Professional Service across Calgary
Kevco is committed to providing leadership and complete support in developing, maintaining, and improving an ongoing safety program.
The management is dedicated to providing a safe workplace environment for all employees and the public and an environment where all employees work in a safe, accident-free, and injury-free workplace. We insist that your safety and that of your fellow workers shall never be compromised.
Kevco and its employees shall comply with the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Regulation, and Code.
Kevco is committed to protecting the environment in which we operate. Protection of the environment is an integral component of our business that requires participation from all of our management, supervisors, and employees. Our Environmental Policy is devised not only to prevent environmental damage but also to promote improvement.
Management, supervisors, and employees will cooperate to review all incidents and procedures to ensure continuous improvement in our Environmental Policy. We will comply with federal, provincial, and municipal environmental laws, striving for an incident-free and environmentally responsible workplace.

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